A spell checker that comes with a word processor can be used by people who don't have a knack for writing. You can use the native spell checker, but a third-party service may give you better suggestions.

To start using Grammarly, you first have to install it. 1. Open Google Chrome. 2. Go to the Chrome Web Store.

1. install Grammarly

3. Navigate to the Grammarly extension page. 4. Click the Add to Chrome button.

5. In the dialog box that pops up, tap the Add extension button.

6. Once you install the extension, a tab opens and prompts you to sign in or make a Grammarly account.

It's installed in your browser after a few minutes. It's possible to install Grammarly in other browsers.

but the best experience will be with Chrome.

1. Open a Google Doc. 2. Click the Grammarly extension icon in the upper-right corner of your browser.

2. enable Grammarly

3. Flip the Check for writing suggestions on Google Docs toggle switch to on. 4. Grammarly is now ready to use in a Google Doc.

The red underline shows any suggestions it has. The suggested correction is displayed if you hover over it. You can accept or reject the suggestions.

The Grammarly icon: in the lower-right corner when you're in a Doc with the Grammarly feature enabled. You can see information at a glance with this icon.

The Grammarly sidebar: To access a complete list of suggested changes, click the Grammarly icon, which opens the Grammarly sidebar.

Goal setting: can help you set goals for your work. Goals can be set for the audience, formality, domain, and intent of the piece.


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